Staff Training

We work in partnership with key agencies involved in safeguarding to ensure the best possible provisions and outcomes in relation to safeguarding, as well as working in partnership with Local Authorities to ensure we achieve local alert training and share best practice.
Robust recruitment procedures comply with all safeguarding requirements and recommendations, and our staff receives regular supervision in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Grace Support Homes Ltd works in close partnership with a number of Community Mental Health Teams and other professional organisations in order to maintain the best possible service provision which is in-line with expectation and needs, including Local Authorities and NHS Trusts we serve. Our aim is for every individual we support to have the opportunity to achieve the best possible outcomes and quality of life and offer value for money to funding bodies.

We utilise our experience and expertise to develop long lasting relationships, building trust and affordable solutions, whilst offering a transparent service of integration and effectiveness to ensure that we become the provider of choice.

At Grace Support Homes, we work in partnership with professionals is an on-going process, which is well managed. This means that we value the relationship we build with our purchasers so we can demonstrate to the people we support that we share responsibilities in place for them. Also showing that we can work together in their interest to make it possible and provide the best possible future, outcomes and quality of life.

Staff at Grace Support Homes work closely with other organisations, we understand their needs and can adapt where appropriate- Whether in creating a culture of innovation approach to meet service users’ individual needs in a more person centred manner or in an existing services.